How to stop tying your value to your time

Audio more your peanut butter? Listen to this post as a podcast episode!

Petals, pets, darls, loved ones,

If you’ve been listening to the podcast or following me on Instagram, you’ll know I’m becoming a bit obsessed with my low-tox socials life (or, more limply - my soft-social break-up).

And after last week’s IG Live #mumhidinginbathroom broadcast, in this week’s podcast episode I wanted to share the concept and framework behind what working less can look like if you’re an online service provider or a solo business owner (beyond just cutting your hours and hoping for the best).

How we’ve been programmed to think about time

Because of the way we've been conditioned to think about work, we equate time worked with $$$ earned.

And as long as we continue binding our time with our value, that's never going to change.

BUUUT WAIT! Before you start spooning your laptop in the corner and crying into your kid’s leftover Cheerios…

There’s another way.

Separating YOur worth from Your time

When we really start to think about our value as separate from our time, and how we can create that value using the least amount of time possible...

This is where the unicorns live. (I have two girls under four, metaphors are unicorns or Frozen characters).

In today's podcast episode I talk about the BIG, CHUNKY DOWNSIDE of equating our value with the number of hours or amount of time we spend on something (btw, this happens whether you charge by the hour or NOT), why time blocking might actually keep you stuck working LONGER HOURS (I KNOW RIGHT) AND…

The magical, revolutionary, very very exciting gift that lies within strategically aligning where we want to go with the steps we need to take AND streamline the actions we take to deliver the same result or better, in less time.


Work less, earn more, and finally achieve your big one-day goals

(I KNOW RIGHT! I’m peeing a little in excitement).

That’s it, friends. As always, I hope this has left you inspired with lots to ponder. I’m really, genuinely grateful for you taking the time to read this, and I can’t wait to share more with you.

If there’s something you’d like to ask me or chat about - more Disney movie spoilers, favourite books or a question about being more productive or working a little bit less - HOLLER AT ME. I’ll be here.

Love your guts-es,



3 things to optimise other than your time


4 things that happened when I broke up with social media