3 things to optimise other than your time

Audio more your cream cheese? Listen to the podcast episode!

We've all done it, pals. We've been completely conditioned (I like to call it 9-to-five'd) to spend a WHOLE LOTTA TIME, managing our TIME. Because we've never been incentivised or had a reason to look for other ways to optimise the way we work.

corporate office cubicles

It’s an eerily quiet, cubicle-sized jungle out there…

But when we start working in our online businesses or as service providers, and we plan and leverage for all this freedom and flexibility, there’s often a disconnect between the days we thought we would be living, versus the frenzied, all-consuming, werk-werk—werk days we find ourselves getting through every single day.

The disconnect comes when we try to replicate the 9-5, or time for money, approach and pour aaaaall our energy into managing our time, rather than optimising our two BIGGEST assets:

🔥Our energy

🔥Our attention

Why managing our time has NEVER been the answer to working less

When it comes to truly working less, living our most creative and energised lives and creating the impact we want to create - managing our time is not the answer.

working less woman at ocean

WHAT? But how will we ever know what we’re supposed to be doing in our day? Won’t everything fall into DISARRAY AND CHAOS, KAT? (cue paper bag breathing)

I get it. But honestly? It wasn’t until I stopped managing my time, and started focussing on ways to optimise my energy and my attention, that I started to see HAY-UGE shifts in my ability to think critically and creatively about the way I work every single day.

Which brings me tooooo… (dramatic pause) the third really, really important asset we can leverage in our businesses as service providers:

Repeatability OR…

How can I take this from 1 to many? 🧐

If you want to grow your business while working less, start to think really critically about the things you do every day.

Ask yourself: can I do this in a way that can be leveraged and repurposed beyond just this one client, request or task?

Here’s an example: your client asks you a question. You immediately go to answer it BUT you realise your other client asked this question a few weeks ago, and you're pretty sure your social media audience might be interested too...

Do you:

a) Write a detailed email to your client that takes you 45 minutes to draft,


B) film a Loom video walking through your answer, process, or whatever it is and sending it to your client BUT now ALSO having a leverageable piece of content to take to market on a wider scale?

Huh... HUUUUUH?? (this is my dramatic noise)

Leveraging the power of 1 to many has the potential to seriously shake up the hours you work, the growth rate of your business and your potential to make waves and create impact.

Wanna hear me chat through the exact five step framework I use in my own business to help me work at least 5 hours less every single week?

Listen to this week’s podcast episode!

Until next time, pals and gals. Love yas.


Your clients DON’T care how much time you’ve spent on something


How to stop tying your value to your time