the blog

Kat Hunter productivity time management coach

the feminine productivity blog for free-spirited service provider babes who want to create a business and life rich with time.

i write about time management and productivity for solo business owners and service providers to help you spend less time working, more time living your goals.

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  • Look, I feel you friend, you want the i’s dotted and t’s tee’d and you’re not into waffle about kids peeing on your laptop, swearsy’s or 90’s sitcom references. But no.

  • Hell… NO. The last thing anyone asked for is another time management expert sprouting about productivity apps and weighted lists. My articles will help you take a good, hard look at transforming the entire way you work - without trying to squeeze your 24 Beyonce hours into colour-coded boxes.

  • We’re all girl bosses, legend. But if you’re asking if I think working on a hamster wheel and churning and burning the midnight oil is the answer to achieving your goals, that’s a hard no from me.

  • If by more productive you mean work less hours, achieve your big, beautiful, glorious dream goals, build more fun, abundance and joy into your days and create more time for sipping mochhhheeetoooos - then HELLS. YES.