the blog
the feminine productivity blog for free-spirited service provider babes who want to create a business and life rich with time.
i write about time management and productivity for solo business owners and service providers to help you spend less time working, more time living your goals.
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Your clients DON’T care how much time you’ve spent on something
I used to be all about time tracking.
A traditional Type A organiser at heart (bless me), I would spend HOURS (yes, hours) each week painstakingly planning out my calendar, adjusting my time blocks, moving my time blocks around, tracking where I spent every minute and recording it all like no one’s business.
Look, I feel you friend, you want the i’s dotted and t’s tee’d and you’re not into waffle about kids peeing on your laptop, swearsy’s or 90’s sitcom references. But no.
Hell… NO. The last thing anyone asked for is another time management expert sprouting about productivity apps and weighted lists. My articles will help you take a good, hard look at transforming the entire way you work - without trying to squeeze your 24 Beyonce hours into colour-coded boxes.
We’re all girl bosses, legend. But if you’re asking if I think working on a hamster wheel and churning and burning the midnight oil is the answer to achieving your goals, that’s a hard no from me.
If by more productive you mean work less hours, achieve your big, beautiful, glorious dream goals, build more fun, abundance and joy into your days and create more time for sipping mochhhheeetoooos - then HELLS. YES.