The Time I Got Lost (and how it changed everything)

Audio more your peanut butter? Listen to this post as a podcast episode!

Remember that game you’d play as a kid, where you'd spin around, eyes closed, only to stop and try to walk in a straight line?

(Nope? Just me? Okay.)

I tried a grown-up version of that, except with my to-do list, my calendar and a packet of Coles 99c rice crackers (more on the snacks later).

The result? Much like the spinny game, I ended up, well, completely off-course with my time, the direction I was going and the reason I even started this whole damn' biz lark in the first place.

Confused? Let me explain...

My lunch time walk got wild

About a month ago, I decided to veer a little off course on my lunch time walk. I saw a rough, leafy goat track at the end of a culdesac near where I live. Think birds chirping, rays of sunshine piercing through the tall trees. THE RAINFOREST COMES TO KINCUMBER. I went for it. I climbed the goat track, like a… goat.

Until, about 10 minutes in to… goating - I got lost.

Panic. The chirping birds now sounded like the creepy whispers of the 27 invisible mountain dwellers who were definitely hiding in the forest waiting to bring me to my untimely doom. (I studied drama in high school).

After what felt like hours (it was literally 10 minutes, but who's counting?), I realized I needed to pause, breathe, STOP.

I took a deep breath, totally tuned in to my surroundings, retraced my steps, and found my way out.


My mini forest goat-a-thon reminded me of how we often handle our work and the things on our to do list. We keep wandering from one task to another, thinking we're on the right track, until we suddenly realize we're just, well, lost. Somewhere amidst a plethora of tasks, we lost our direction, lost the reason we even started and lost our precious, precious time.

Sound familiar?

Introducing: mindful productivity.


It's not just about meditation or wellness; and it definitely is NOT just about getting more done for the sake of done. It's about acknowledging, without judgment, where we are in our journey and using that acknowledgement to help bring us back in alignment with where we truly want to go.


Much like me, lost, in the wilderness (okay, I dramatised a little - I mean, I could see the local Coles in the distance), the way we work and the amount of time we feel we have to spend working often leads us astray.

But imagine if you had a tool to help guide you back, helping you differentiate between tasks that truly align with your goals, and the ones that just drain your energy - and sap your time.

This week on the podcast, I'm diving deep into how to use mindfulness to help you work less, while achieving what you really started your business to achieve.

No, it's not a magic wand or a secret potion, but it sure can feel like one.

Kat x


Stop Managing Your Time If You Want More Of It